A hand pointing a thermal imaging device at a house to find out where heat and cold air is.

Energy security, an increasingly familiar term in the 21st century, refers to the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price. This concept extends beyond the macro level of countries and global economies. It's rooted in something much more immediate and personal: our homes. Whether you're in a condo in Manhattan or a cottage in the Cotswolds, the issue of energy security affects you and your wallet directly. 

Consider this statistic: the average home loses up to 30% of its energy due to inefficiencies. It's like seeing nearly a third of your paycheck evaporate before it reaches your bank account! As homeowners, you can't afford to ignore the impact of such energy loss on finances and the broader environment.

However, by making a few smart changes, you can control your home's energy usage, reduce energy waste, and save money. 

Where Your Home Could Be Losing Energy 

Unfortunately, many spots in your home might be secretly leaking energy. Here are a few places to check:


Windows — while they bring in beautiful natural light, they can also be culprits of energy loss. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, around 25% to 30% of the energy used for heating and cooling in homes is due to heat being gained or lost through windows.

The problem here is often twofold. Older windows are generally less energy efficient than their modern counterparts. They allow more heat to escape during the winter and more cool air to leak out during the summer. Secondly, even the most energy-efficient windows can be responsible for energy loss if they are not properly sealed or installed or if the frames have become damaged over time.


Next is insulation, a home's unsung hero for maintaining comfortable temperatures. A well-insulated home can reduce the energy you need for cooling and heating. However, under-insulation or deteriorated insulation can lead to air leakage and the loss of valuable energy.

Insulation provides a barrier between the inside of your home and the outside temperatures, slowing down heat transfer. Areas like the attic, walls, and floors should all be properly insulated to ensure maximum energy efficiency.


Often overlooked, your roof is crucial to your home's energy efficiency. A poorly insulated or deteriorated roof can lead to significant winter heat loss and summer heat gain, driving up your energy bills.

Roofs are particularly susceptible to energy loss because heat rises and can easily escape through the roof in a poorly insulated home. This is why adding insulation to your attic — effectively the underside of your roof — is often more cost-effective.


Finally, we come to the doors. Like windows, they can be a significant source of energy loss. This can be from poor installation, lack of weatherstripping, or wear and tear over time. The issue often lies in the cracks and gaps around doors, allowing drafts to seep in during the winter and cooled air to escape during the summer.

Even the materials of the door can affect energy efficiency. For instance, solid wood doors are less energy efficient than steel or fiberglass doors with foam core insulation.

Ultimately, energy loss can happen right under your nose or, more precisely, over your head and around you.

Why Energy Security Matters 

Energy security is more than a buzzword; it's a critical consideration for any homeowner, and here's why:

Protection in Extreme Weather Conditions

As global warming's effects cause increasing and frequent extreme weather, ensuring that your home can maintain a comfortable and safe temperature is crucial. Real threats, such as heatwaves, can be lethal, with hundreds of deaths reported worldwide each year. 

A well-insulated and energy-efficient home can help keep your indoor temperature manageable during such times, providing a sanctuary of comfort for you and your family.

Reducing Energy Bills

If the environmental argument doesn't hit home, perhaps the financial aspect will. As established earlier, a significant portion of the energy you pay for in your home can be wasted due to inefficiencies. With improved energy security, you may save big on your annual energy bills. It's a simple equation: less energy wasted equals less energy required, ultimately lowering costs.

Sustainability and Reducing Carbon Footprint

Lastly, there's the broader environmental impact to consider. Homes contribute significantly to global carbon emissions due to the energy they consume. With a more energy-secure home, you're helping your household and playing a part in the larger goal of reducing carbon emissions

Moreover, many improvements that enhance energy security, such as better insulation or energy-efficient appliances, also increase your home's overall sustainability. This could involve using materials with a lower environmental impact or reducing the amount of waste your household produces. 

Tips For Making Your Home More Energy Secure 

Fortunately, you can improve your home's energy security in many ways. Here are a few steps to get you started:

Get a Home Inspection and Address Any Issues Found 

A thorough home energy inspection is the first step to making your home more energy secure. A professional energy auditor can assess how much energy your home uses and recommend improvements to increase its efficiency.

They can identify areas where your home loses energy, such as poor insulation, air leaks around windows and doors, inefficient heating and cooling systems, and outdated appliances. Once these issues are identified, you can start addressing them, beginning with the ones that most significantly impact your home's energy efficiency.

Re-side Your home 

Home exteriors, specifically siding, play a key role in insulating and protecting your home from heat loss. If your home's siding is old or damaged, it may be time to consider re-siding your home. New siding can drastically increase your home's insulation and energy efficiency.

Today's siding options come in various materials, each with its own energy-efficiency properties, allowing you to choose the best fit for your needs and your local climate. Hiring a professional siding contractor ensures the job is done right, maximizing your investment and your home's energy security.

Landscape for Shade 

Landscaping can do more than improve your home's curb appeal. Strategic planting of trees and shrubs can provide natural shade and act as a windbreak, reducing your home's cooling and heating needs.

In summer, leafy trees can shield your home from the sun's rays, keeping it cooler. In winter, evergreen trees and shrubs can serve as windbreaks, reducing wind chill and helping your home retain heat.

Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances

If you're using older appliances, they may be consuming more energy than necessary. Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can significantly reduce your home's energy use. Look for appliances with the Energy Star label, which means they meet or exceed federal standards for energy efficiency.

While these upgrades might require an upfront investment, the long-term savings on your energy bills will make them worthwhile. Plus, they often come with better features and performance than older models.

Energy security begins at home, so it’s important to look at getting started today.